Dr Joydeep GHOSH
Research Interest
Research Highlights

Joydeep joined ESI in June 2023. He has more than 10 years of experience in the construction and application of CGE models for analyzing energy, climate and sustainable development issues. He is also proficient in the construction of Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) with energy and environmental accounts.

His recent research has focused on the interplay between climate policy and technological progress, and on the economic impacts of the COVID pandemic. His past research focused on estimating the environmental and economic impacts of carbon pricing/trading policies consistent with the Paris Agreement target. Specifically, his research compared the cost implications of climate policies vis a vis agricultural productivity shocks, and the efficiency equity trade-offs of alternative carbon tax recycling mechanisms. 

- CGE modelling
- Carbon markets
- Techno-economic assessments
- Climate finance

Basanta K. Pradhan and Joydeep Ghosh (2022), A computable general equilibrium (CGE) assessment of technological progress and carbon pricing in India's green energy transition via furthering its renewable capacity, Energy Economics, February 2022

Vijay P Ojha, Joydeep Ghosh and Basanta K. Pradhan (2021), The role of public expenditure on secondary and higher education for achieving inclusive growth in India, Metroeconomica, September 2021

Basanta K. Pradhan and Joydeep Ghosh (2021), COVID-19 and the Paris Agreement target: A CGE analysis of alternative economic scenarios for India, Energy Economics, August 2021

Vijay P Ojha, Sanjib Pohit and Joydeep Ghosh (2020), Recycling carbon tax for inclusive green growth: A CGE analysis of India, Energy Policy, 144 (2020), 111708

Basanta K. Pradhan and Joydeep Ghosh (2019), Climate policy vs. agricultural productivity shocks in a dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling framework: The case of a developing economy, Economic Modelling, 77 (2019), pp 55-69

Anindya Bhattacharya, Joydeep Ghosh, Tetsuo Tezuka and Tania Bhattacharya (2018), Assessment of low carbon transport for sustainable development in Bhutan: a general equilibrium approach, International Journal of Public Policy, Vol 14, No 1/2

A.Dunnett, P.B.Shirsath, P.K.Aggarwal, P.Thornton, P.K.Joshi, B.D.Pal, A.Khatri-Chhetri, J.Ghosh (2018), Multi-objective land use allocation modelling for prioritizing climate-smart agricultural interventions, Ecological Modelling, Volume 381, 10 August 2018, pp 23-35

Basanta K. Pradhan, Joydeep Ghosh, Qiao-Mei Liang, Yi-Ming Wei (2017), Carbon pricing and terms of trade effects for China and India: A general equilibrium analysis, Economic Modelling, Vol 63, pp 60-74

Matthias Weitzel, Joydeep Ghosh, Sonja Peterson and Basanta K. Pradhan (2015), Effects of international climate policy for India: evidence from a national and global CGE model, Environment and Development Economics, Vol 20, Special Issue 4, August 2015, pp 516-538

Daniel J.A. Johansson et al (2014), Multi-model analyses of the economic and energy implications for China and India in an international climate regime, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, February 2014

Vijay P. Ojha, Basanta K. Pradhan, Joydeep Ghosh (2013), Growth, inequality and innovation: A CGE analysis of India, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol 36, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2013
