Research Interest
Research Highlights

Sita joined Energy Studies Institute in June 2023 as a research fellow. Prior to this appointment, she was a research fellow at Tokyo Institute of Technology. She has worked as a research assistant in various projects of urban planning, including projects funded by foreign university, ministry, and various government agencies in Indonesia.

Sita holds M.Eng and PhD degree in environmental planning and policy science at the School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. She received her B.Eng in urban and regional planning from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.

During her graduate study, her research was about sustainable management of community-scale renewable energy project, particularly solar water pumping system in rural Indonesia. Her research interests include energy governance and policy, social dimension of energy, low-carbon development, energy transition, and regional development studies.

- Regional development studies
- Social dimension of energy 
- Energy governance and policy
- Low-carbon development
- Energy transition
