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05 Dec 2024 09:30 – 17:00 hrs (Singapore Time, GMT+8)


Emerging Trends in Carbon Pricing

Thursday, 5 December 2024

09:30 – 17:00 hrs (Singapore Time, GMT+8)

Carlton Hotel Singapore
Esplanade 1 & 2, Level 4
76 Bras Basah Rd
Singapore 189558

Registration Link: https://forms.office.com/r/qWnD0kdP4c


Despite a substantial expansion in its use in the last three decades, carbon pricing has faced some criticisms related to its effectiveness and fairness. In recent years, various attempts have been made to improve and complement existing carbon pricing schemes and carbon markets. ESI hosts a deep dive workshop discussing such efforts observed in global carbon pricing with specific attention to i) carbon border adjustment mechanism, ii) carbon pricing in the transport sector, and iii) carbon offsets and voluntary markets. This workshop will enhance the understanding of the background and potential impacts of these emerging trends. It will also provide helpful insights into future carbon pricing and decarbonization strategies in Singapore to achieve both climate and economic goals.

09:00 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50

Opening Session

Welcome Remarks:

  • Professor LEE Poh Seng (Executive Director, ESI, NUS)

Workshop Introduction:

  • Dr KIM Jeong Won (Senior Research Fellow, ESI, NUS)
09:50 – 12:00

Session 1: Carbon Pricing in the Transport Sector

Moderator: Dr Roger Fouquet (Senior Research Fellow, ESI, NUS)


  • Mr William TODTS (Executive Director, Transport & Environment)
    Transport Carbon Pricing in Europe:  An Overview

  • Dr Xavier FAGEDA (Professor, University of Barcelona)
    Carbon Pricing in the Aviation Sector: Evidence from the EU ETS

  • Dr Goran DOMINIONI (Assistant Professor, Dublin City University)
    The Role of Carbon Pricing in Decarbonizing International Shipping

  • Dr Valeria BERNARDO (Associate Professor, Tecnocampus, University Pompeu Fabra)
    Carbon Taxes in the Road Transport Sector: Lessons from Recent Applications

Discussion and Open Q&A

12:00 – 13:20
Networking Lunch

13:20 – 15:00

Session 2: Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Moderator: Dr SU Bin (Senior Research Fellow, ESI, NUS)


  • Mr Nicolas LOCKHART (Partner, Sidley Austin LLP)

    International Rules from Paris and Geneva for Trade-Related Climate Measures

  • Dr Joydeep GHOSH (Research Fellow, ESI, NUS)
    The Opportunities and Challenges of CBAM for ASEAN Economies

  • Ms Shuting POMERLEAU (Director of Energy and Environmental Policy, American Action Forum)
    The U.S. Legislative Landscape of Carbon Border Adjustments

Discussion and Open Q&A

15:00 - 15:20Comfort Break
15:20 - 17:00

Session 3: Carbon Offsets and Voluntary Markets

Moderator: Dr KIM Jeong Won (Senior Research Fellow, ESI, NUS)


  • Mr Santiago Ramirez NIEMBRO (Carbon Markets Expert, International Carbon Action Partnership)

    Carbon Offsetting in Mandatory Emissions Trading Systems: Current Status and Challenges

  • Dr LI Hongyan (Research Fellow, ESI, NUS)

    Navigating Voluntary Carbon Markets: Recent Trends, Key Challenges, and Singapore's Approach

  • Dr Wei-nee CHEN (Head of Carbon Market, Bursa Malaysia Berhad)
    Status of Carbon Market in Malaysia

Discussion and Open Q&A

Valeria BERNARDO (Associate Professor, Tecnocampus, University Pompeu Fabra)
Dr Valeria Bernardo holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). She has a MA in Economics, Competition and Public Services Regulation, and a MSC in Economics, both from the University of Barcelona (UB). Valeria also holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona. Valeria is Associate Professor at Tecnocampus, University Pompeu Fabra, where she has also coordinated for several years the Master in Logistics, Supply Chain and Maritime Business. Her main research interests are in the transportation sector, with a focus in competition, regulation, sustainability and policy evaluation. She has published in Journals such as Energy Economics, Transportation Research Part E, Economics of Transportation, Transport Policy and the Journal of Regulatory Economics. She has been involved in several funded projects from private and public institutions, such as the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Environmental Agency of Austria, the European Commission, Cetaqua and Tusgsal.

Wei-nee CHEN (Head of Carbon Market, Bursa Malaysia Berhad)
Dr Wei-nee Chen holds a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science from the University of Canterbury, a Master of Business Administration from Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, and a Doctor of Business Administration from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She has served as a Technical Advisor in a UNDP project (2005-2011), she was the Chief Strategic Officer of Sustainable Energy Development Authority (2011 – 2020) and a Vice-President of New Energy Ventures of Hibiscus Petroleum (2020-2022). In August 2022, she joined Bursa Malaysia Bhd as Head of Carbon Market. Dr Wei-nee currently serves as a member of Industry Advisory Panel to the Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation, the Malaysian Photovoltaic Industry Association and Sunway University (PhD in Sustainable Development), a Deputy-Secretary to the Malaysia Carbon Market Association, a member of the REDD+ Finance Framework Advisory Committee, the National CORSIA Taskforce, and a member of the technical working group of the World PMI CPI and the National Policy on Carbon Market.

Goran DOMINIONI (Assistant Professor, Dublin City University)
Dr Goran Dominioni is an Assistant Professor at the School of Law and Government at Dublin City University. He is currently the PI of a World Bank-funded project on implementing carbon pricing in international shipping and a UN Foundation grant on the same topic. Since 2022, Goran has organized and delivered training on carbon pricing in shipping to members of delegations to the International Maritime Organization from over 50 developing countries. He is also the lead author of the World Bank report “Distributing Carbon Revenues from Shipping.” His research has been awarded prizes from various institutions — including the MIT Climate CoLab, Yale Law School, and the World Bank — and has been cited in the Financial Times, The Guardian, and France24. He holds an LLM from Yale Law School and a PhD from Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Xavier FAGEDA (Professor, University of Barcelona)
Dr Xavier Fageda is full professor of Applied Economics at the University of Barcelona (UB) and researcher at the Governments and Markets Research Group (GIM). He has a MSc in Economics at University of Warwick (2002) and a PhD in Economics at UB (2004) and has carried out research stays at U. British Columbia and U. Cornell. His research focuses on the analysis of competition and externalities in the transportation sector, and on the econometric evaluation of public policies. He has led several competitive projects funded by national or regional governments and has worked on several research contracts with public entities and private firms. He has around 100 scientific publications (WoS) including, among many others, European Economic Review, Journal of Environmental, Economics and Management, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Regional Science, Regional Studies, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Economics of Transportation and Transportation Research (A, E, D).

Joydeep GHOSH (Research Fellow, Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore)
Dr Joydeep Ghosh is a Research Fellow at ESI. He has more than 15 years of experience with research organizations and thinktanks. He has also worked as a consultant with multilateral agencies such as UNDP, UNCDF and the World Bank. His main area of research interest is energy and climate policy modelling. His research has focused on the economic and environmental impacts of carbon pricing policies and on the role of technological progress in the energy transition. His current research focuses on the intersection between climate and trade policies, particularly in the context of ASEAN. His research work has been published in academic journals such as Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Journal of Policy Modeling, Economic Modelling and Environment and Development Economics.

Hongyan LI (Research Fellow, Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore)
Dr Li Hongyan is an environmental economist and a Research Fellow at the Energy Studies Institute. Her research focuses on decarbonisation, climate change mitigation, and general issues in environment and resource economics. Her current work (1) assesses the effectiveness of carbon pricing policies globally, aiming to inform policy implementations in non-carbon pricing countries or those in early stages, including developing nations; (2) focuses on the development of voluntary carbon markets and carbon credit projects. She holds a B.Econ. in Finance from Shandong University and a Ph.D. in Economics from the National University of Singapore. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

Nicolas LOCKHART (Partner, Sidley Austin LLP)
Mr Nicolas Lockhart is a partner at Sidley Austin LLP, and a Fellow of the World Trade Institute of the University of Bern. His activities covers public international law, with a focus on trade and environment, and EU law relating to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). Some highlights of Nic’s work include: 1) Nic advises global companies on ESG disclosures, value chain due diligence, and green communications. His advice covers topics such as climate change, biodiversity, circular economy, and human rights. 2) Nic was a member of an expert group of international lawyers, convened by the TESS Forum, that reported on legal principles for traderelated climate measures, drawing together international environmental law and international trade law. 3) Nic leads a Sidley team advising Antigua & Barbuda in advisory proceedings before the International Court of Justice on the implications of climate change under international law. 4) Nic is a member of an advisory panel for the World Economic Forum in a project on greening supply chains for EV vehicles.

Santiago Ramirez NIEMBRO (Carbon Markets Expert, International Carbon Action Partnership)
Mr Santiago Ramirez Niembro is a consultant at adelphi and a carbon markets expert at ICAP, focusing on mandatory emissions trading systems (ETS), carbon markets, and carbon pricing policy. With expertise in the Americas, he tracks and reports on global carbon pricing developments, creating knowledge-sharing resources to support effective policy. Since joining adelphi, he has designed and managed multiple projects aimed at strengthening climate action. Previously, Santiago was an International Climate Protection Fellow at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, conducting research on emissions trading policies, and has worked in Mexico on energy transition strategies for national agencies. Santiago holds a degree in Law and an Executive Program diploma in Energy Investments and Transitions from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.

Shuting POMERLEAU (Director of Energy and Environmental Policy, American Action Forum)
Ms Shuting Pomerleau is the Director of Energy and Environmental Policy at the American Action Forum. Shuting’s work focuses on energy and environmental policy analysis. Research topics include carbon border adjustments, carbon taxation, climate and trade, the latest developments in energy markets, and electricity markets. Her work has been featured in a wide range of outlets including Bloomberg, Financial Times, and TIME. She has also spoken at many public conferences and events. Prior to joining AAF, Shuting served as the Deputy Director of Climate Policy at the Niskanen Center working on market-based climate change mitigation policies. Previously, she was a business strategy consultant working with senior executives of multinational corporations to advise their business strategies for U.S. and international markets. Shuting holds a master’s degree in public policy from Georgetown University.

William TODTS (Executive Director, Transport & Environment)
Mr William Todts is the Executive Director of Transport & Environment (T&E), steering the organisation to promote, at EU and global level, an emissions-free mobility system. He joined the organisation in 2011, working first on cars and then taking over as T&E's freight director. He led civil society's efforts to have CO2 emissions from trucks regulated for the first time in Europe. William has been T&E's executive director since 2017 and in that time the team has grown from 28 to 120+ staff and the organisation has opened offices in five European capitals. T&E also started working in new areas such as sustainable finance, green batteries and clean cities.